
Ubuntu Core

Created: 2023/10/22


Ubuntu Coreは次の特徴を備えた組み込み機器想定のOSです。

  • イミュータブルなOS
  • アプリケーションなどのサンドボックス
  • snapを中心にしたアプリケーション管理
  • 自律での自動ソフトウェアアップデート


  • イミュータブルなところ
  • snapをこねくり回せばWebからのアップデート等も実現できるかも(snapdにはREST APIがある)


  • Ubuntu SSOアカウントが必要、管理には便利かもしれないが会社とかで使うとき面倒
    • 有償サポートありきなのかもしれない
    • ブランドアカウント等もあるのでうまくやれば良さそう
  • アップデートは基本的にインターネットから引っ張ってくるのでオフラインでやるのが少し煩雑になりそう



Raspberry piへのインストールは公式にあるチュートリアルから行います。


  • Ubuntu SSOアカウントが必要
    • OSセットアップ時にアカウントを入力します
    • Ubuntu SSOに登録するSSH公開鍵でRaspberry piに接続します



$ snap list
Name       Version         Rev    Tracking       Publisher    Notes
core22     20230801        867    latest/stable  canonical**  base
pi         22-2            132    22/stable      canonical**  gadget
pi-kernel  5.15.0-1041.44  696    22/stable      canonical**  kernel
snapd      2.58            17954  latest/stable  canonical**  snapd


デバイスの管理もUbuntu SSOに紐付けられるのかも?

$ snap model
brand   Canonical**
model   ubuntu-core-22-pi-arm64
grade   signed
serial  3cd93c4d-943f-4ec4-a3b3-9b4692140386



$ apt
-bash: apt: command not found


とりあえずインストールしてみる。一旦snap refreshが必要だった。

$ snap install  docker
error: cannot install "docker": snap "docker" assumes unsupported features: snapd2.59.1 (try to refresh snapd)
$ snap refresh
2023-10-21T04:15:41Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
snapd 2.60.4 from Canonical** refreshed
$ snap install  docker
docker 20.10.24 from Canonical** installed
$ snap list
Name       Version         Rev    Tracking       Publisher    Notes
core22     20230801        867    latest/stable  canonical**  base
docker     20.10.24        2907   latest/stable  canonical**  -
pi         22-2            132    22/stable      canonical**  gadget
pi-kernel  5.15.0-1041.44  696    22/stable      canonical**  kernel
snapd      2.60.4          20298  latest/stable  canonical**  snapd
$ sudo docker run hello-world
Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
70f5ac315c5a: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:88ec0acaa3ec199d3b7eaf73588f4518c25f9d34f58ce9a0df68429c5af48e8d
Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest

Hello from Docker!
This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.

To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
 1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
 2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
 3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
    executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
 4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
    to your terminal.

To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
 $ docker run -it ubuntu bash

Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:

For more examples and ideas, visit:


$ sudo docker version
 Version:           20.10.24
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.20.7
 Git commit:        297e128
 Built:             Wed Aug 23 21:07:16 2023
 OS/Arch:           linux/arm64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

  Version:          20.10.24
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.20.7
  Git commit:       5d6db84
  Built:            Wed Aug 23 21:09:40 2023
  OS/Arch:          linux/arm64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          v1.6.20
  GitCommit:        2806fc1057397dbaeefbea0e4e17bddfbd388f38
  Version:          1.1.5
  Version:          0.19.0
  GitCommit:        de40ad0



$ snap connections --all
Interface         Plug                     Slot                                 Notes
content           -                        docker:docker-executables            -
content           -                        docker:docker-registry-certificates  -
content           docker:graphics-core22   -                                    -
docker            docker:docker-cli        docker:docker-daemon                 -
docker-support    docker:privileged        :docker-support                      -
docker-support    docker:support           :docker-support                      -
firewall-control  docker:firewall-control  :firewall-control                    -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-0                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-1                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-10                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-11                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-12                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-13                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-14                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-15                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-16                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-17                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-18                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-19                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-2                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-20                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-21                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-22                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-23                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-24                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-25                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-26                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-27                       -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-3                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-4                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-5                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-6                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-7                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-8                        -
gpio              -                        pi:bcm-gpio-9                        -
home              docker:home              :home                                -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-0                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-1                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-2                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-3                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-4                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-5                             -
i2c               -                        pi:i2c-6                             -
log-observe       docker:log-observe       -                                    -
network           docker:network           :network                             -
network-bind      docker:network-bind      :network-bind                        -
network-control   docker:network-control   :network-control                     -
opengl            docker:opengl            :opengl                              -
pwm               -                        pi:pwm0                              -
pwm               -                        pi:pwm1                              -
removable-media   docker:removable-media   -                                    -
serial-port       -                        pi:bt-serial                         -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial0                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial1                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial2                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial3                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial4                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial5                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial6                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial7                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial8                           -
serial-port       -                        pi:serial9                           -
spi               -                        pi:spidev0                           -
spi               -                        pi:spidev1                           -
spi               -                        pi:spidev1-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev1-1                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev2-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev2-1                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev3-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev3-1                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev4-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev4-1                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev5-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev5-1                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev6-0                         -
spi               -                        pi:spidev6-1                         -


$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           453M     0  453M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           182M  6.4M  175M   4% /run
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
/dev/mmcblk0p2  739M  2.5K  739M   1% /run/mnt/ubuntu-boot
/dev/mmcblk0p1  1.2G  340M  842M  29% /var/lib/snapd/seed
/dev/mmcblk0p4   57G  537M   53G   1% /writable
/dev/mmcblk0p3   26M   49K   23M   1% /var/lib/snapd/save
tmpfs           453M     0  453M   0% /media
tmpfs           453M     0  453M   0% /mnt
tmpfs           453M     0  453M   0% /tmp
tmpfs           453M     0  453M   0% /var/lib/sudo
tmpfs            91M     0   91M   0% /run/user/1000


$ snap services docker
Service                          Startup  Current   Notes
docker.dockerd                   enabled  active    -
docker.nvidia-container-toolkit  enabled  inactive  -
$ snap info docker
name:      docker
summary:   Docker container runtime
publisher: Canonical**
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/docker
contact:   https://github.com/docker-snap/docker-snap/issues?q=
license:   (Apache-2.0 AND MIT AND GPL-2.0)
description: |
  Build and run container images with Docker.


  * This build can only access files in the home directory. So Dockerfiles and all other files used
  in commands like `docker build`, `docker save` and `docker load` need to be in $HOME.
  * You can change the configuration of this build by modifying the files in
  * Additional certificates used by the Docker daemon to authenticate with registries need to be
  added in `/var/snap/docker/current/etc/docker/certs.d` (instead of `/etc/docker/certs.d`). This
  directory can be accessed by other snaps using the `docker-registry-certificates` content

  **Running Docker as normal user**

  By default, Docker is only accessible with root privileges (`sudo`). If you want to use docker as
  a regular user, you need to add your user to the `docker` group.

      sudo addgroup --system docker
      sudo adduser $USER docker
      newgrp docker
      sudo snap disable docker
      sudo snap enable docker

  **Warning:** if you add your user to the `docker` group, it will have similar power as the `root`
  user. For details on how this impacts security in your system, see


  This snap is built by Canonical based on source code published by Docker, Inc. It is not endorsed
  or published by Docker, Inc.

  Docker and the Docker logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Docker, Inc. in the United
  States and/or other countries. Docker, Inc. and other parties may also have trademark rights in
  other terms used herein.
  - docker.compose
  - docker
  - docker.help
  docker.dockerd:                  simple, enabled, active
  docker.nvidia-container-toolkit: oneshot, enabled, inactive
snap-id:      sLCsFAO8PKM5Z0fAKNszUOX0YASjQfeZ
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: yesterday at 04:17 UTC
  latest/stable:    20.10.24 2023-05-25 (2895) 109MB -
  latest/candidate: 20.10.24 2023-09-29 (2907) 109MB -
  latest/beta:      20.10.24 2023-10-02 (2913) 109MB -
  latest/edge:      24.0.5   2023-10-07 (2918) 109MB -
  core18/stable:    20.10.17 2023-03-13 (2750) 119MB -
  core18/candidate: ^
  core18/beta:      ^
  core18/edge:      ^
installed:          20.10.24            (2907) 109MB -


Snap(Snappy) コマンドの使い方 | Linux Magazine

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